Why Vorticity?
All modern computer processors are based on a design developed by a brilliant scientist named John Von Neuman in the 1940s. Its versatility led to an explosion in computing in the decades following. However, this architecture has always fallen short for data heavy compute intensive scientific simulations. John Backus in 1977 accepting his Turing award, coined the term “von Neumann bottleneck” to describe this problem. In the past, improvements in speed and ability of processors from one generation to the next made this problem less relevant. But with the end of Dennard scaling and plateauing of Moore’s Law, humanity needs a new solution to tackle more complex scientific and technological problems. As a result, Vorticity built a computer system for scientific computing, including breakthrough improvements from system design, all the way down to the processor architecture. The result is a system that solves scientific compute problems up to five orders of magnitude faster than existing state of the art GPU/CPU based computers.

How does Vorticity achieve significant improvements in scientific compute speed?
Stage 1
Generic software
High-performance hardware
Businesses invest in expensive hardware to increase performance, but fail to drastically improve compute speed
Stage 2
Custom written software
High-performance hardware
Custom written software is designed to optimize compute on high-performance hardware
Stage 3
Custom written software
Custom built hardware
Vertically integrated compute design fully integrating software and hardware to achieve maximum compute speed improvement
The Problem

The Limitation of Current Solutions

The Solution